I really don't want to sound weird or anything, but I must admit that I can't get over this look. So simple, yet so chic! The funny fact about this vest from Mango is that I bought it about two or even three years ago and it's probably the second time of me wearing it. Don't ask why, because I have absolutely no idea how I managed to look past it every time when I thought ''I have nothing to wear!'' and panicked. At first I had my black and white sneakers ready, but then I felt that red sneakers will add a little more fun to the look. I'm also wearing my new pearl earrings from Asos. How cool are they!? I love the 3D triangle action!
How do you feel about this look? I wish you all a pleasant weekend!
Mango vest / Promod shirt / H&M jeans / Reserved bag / New Yorker sneakers / Asos earrings